Prep Like a Pro with Rocky Chicken

Meal prep is a trending topic as the benefits of preparing several meals at once demonstrate their worth for economic, time management, and health reasons.

This week at Oliver’s Market, we are featuring very special pricing on whole Rocky Chicken of just $1.49/Lb. from our Meat Department.

Pick up a couple Rocky Chickens to use now or freeze for later. Roast and prepare to suit your needs (See tips and recipes below) and enjoy that special feeling of knowing what’s for dinner for several days running!

Once you have your Rocky Chicken roasted and ready to go, the fun begins: Shred for tacos, or prepare as needed to make some of the easy weeknight options and recipe inspiration we have outlined below. As a final prepping step, use what remains to make a homemade soup or stock for future meals. (Pro Tip: Save your chicken leftovers and vegetable scraps in a bag in your freezer to make stock on your own timeline.)

We’ve got the Rocky Chicken story, tips for handling whole chickens, and tasty recipes below, so that you can plan some meal prep this week. Your effort will pay off handsomely with more free time, healthy, flavorful homemade meals, and savings, too!

Petaluma Poultry/ROCKY® Chicken

If you live in Sonoma County, you hear a lot about ROCKY® the Free Range Chicken, but do you know the full story?

Allen Shainsky was born into a family of egg farmers and developed his passion and respect for poultry at an early age. He founded Petaluma Poultry in 1969 and dedicated his life to growing chickens with the utmost care while being mindful of the land.

In the 1980’s San Francisco Bay Area chefs challenged him to produce a chicken that had the “old fashioned” chicken flavor reminiscent of their culinary training in Europe. Shainsky spent months in France researching poultry husbandry and returned to implement back to basics growing techniques. This included an all-vegetarian diet with no animal by-products, no antibiotics, no artificial hormones or steroids and a change in the animal’s environment that allowed them more room to roam naturally.

Because of this, the ROCKY® brand became one of the first free range chickens that satisfied chefs as well as growing consumer base that wanted healthy, tasty birds while leaving a small environmental footprint.

Whole Rocky Chicken on Sale this Week for $1.49/Lb!

Ah, the wonders of a classic Whole Chicken. Roast it up as is and then follow the tips below for getting the most from a roasted chicken OR check out these simple steps from the team at Martha Stewart for cutting up a chicken into 6, 8, or 10 pieces to roast or fry.

Roast your whole chicken with simple seasoning or try out this tasty Tyler Florence recipe for Citrus Roasted Whole Chicken courtesy of Petaluma Poultry.

Make your Roast Chicken the focus with this recipe for Roasted Chicken and Root Vegetables.

Make the Most of Your Chicken – Proper Carving

Get the most from your Rocky Whole Roasted Chicken by utilizing proper carving technique. This time-tested method may be the bane of Thanksgiving chefs the world over, but we promise – it is SO much easier than you think. All you’ll need is your chicken, a sharp knife, and a sturdy cutting board!

1. Allow your roasted chicken a minimum of 20 minutes of resting time. Carefully use a pair of kitchen shears to remove any remaining twine, then set the chicken on a prepared cutting board.

2. Start with the legs: Using your knife, separate the leg from the breast by slicing downward at the thigh joint. When your knife meets resistance, use your hands to gently pull the thigh away from the main body, disconnecting the joint. Cut along the bottom of the bird to free the leg completely. If desired, you can then separate this in a thigh and drumstick by slicing at the joint.

3.Remove the breast: Find the breastbone with your finger, then cut along one side to separate it from the meat of the breast. Once separated, work your knife slowly and carefully from the back of the breast to the front, following the shape of the breastbone. At the wishbone, carefully work your knife through the cartilage to separate the breast completely. Repeat on the other side.

4.Finally, to remove the wing, carve around the joint to separate the entire wing from the breast. You can also further carve the breasts into thin slices, if desired.

This is the easiest way to get the maximum amount of meat from your Rocky Whole Chicken, which means more to enjoy at dinnertime and more bang for your buck!

Recipe Ideas

Enjoying a roasted chicken as it is is great, but making a plan to transform it into a couple of different meals can be even better!

Here are some delicious recipe suggestions using roasted chicken:

Storing your Chicken

Package your chicken or your leftovers in an airtight container or Zip-loc bag and refrigerate immediately for best results.

So there you have it, Oliver’s customers! We hope you will add a little meal prep to your life this week starting with ROCKY® Chicken and enjoy the quality, extra time, and economy that meal prep can deliver!

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