Tag: BBQ

July 4, 2023

Discover What a Grill Wants — at Oliver’s!

After a lot of what people referred to as “June Gloom”, we are fortunate to have some real Summer weather arriving in Sonoma County to kick off July. It’s the perfect excuse for a barbecue with friends and/or family, and the perfect opportunity to try something new with your grill. We have some classic items […]

June 27, 2023

Oliver’s Market and the California Animal Care Program

Proposition 12 and the Animal Care Program Q: What is the Animal Care Program? A: Animal Care is a new program within the Animal Health and Food Safety Services division of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Animal Care was formed after the passing of Proposition 12 (2018) to implement the law and its […]

May 16, 2023

Grilled Green Onions

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4 Locations to Serve Sonoma County