Tag: Sustainable

May 9, 2023

Zero Waste Shopping at Oliver’s Made Easy!

Before you leave home: New habits take a little planning and a bit of practice. Make a check list of things you need to bring with you. This list could include: Reusable shopping bags Reusable produce bags Clean, non-porous, reusable containers for shopping in the Bulk Department, Grocery Department (bulk coffee), Meat Department, BBQ, Deli, […]

April 18, 2023

The Power of Regenerative Agriculture

Many of the key practices of regenerative agriculture – intercropping, where multiple crops are planted together, agroforestry, and integrating livestock, for example – have their roots with indigenous farmers who work with the land – not against it. Principles and Practices There is no doubt that transformation of many current farming practices are desperately needed, […]

April 16, 2023

Green Your Spring Routine: Tips for Cleaning — and Living — Sustainably

Since the first Earth Day took place in 1970, annual Earth Day celebrations have done a great deal to bring our country’s pollution, climate, and waste problems into focus and in recent years locally, awareness and understanding of the amount of food waste we create has come to the fore. But though there is still […]

August 16, 2022

Getting Beyond Plastic

It can be daunting to make all-or-nothing sustainability goals, as they only increase the odds that one might throw hands in the air and decide it’s all just too difficult. But, similar to adopting a healthier diet or learning a new habit, small changes can add up and make a big difference over time. Our […]

April 19, 2022

Pickled Watermelon Rinds

April 19, 2022

Zero Waste Bone Broth

April 19, 2022

Zero Waste Veggie Stock

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4 Locations to Serve Sonoma County